Academic Year 2022/2023

Academic Year 2022/2023

Summer Opening Hours:

  • July: Mon-Fri. 10.00-3.00pm
  • August: Mon-Fri. 9.00-5.00pm

Summer Preparation Courses:

  • All information available here.

Supervised Study Start date

Weekly Grinds Start date

  • Monday 29th August 2022.
  • Please confirm the start date with your grinds teacher prior to showing up.

Study Skill Seminars

Start of Sunday Study

  • Date to be confirmed from 10-5 pm.
  • Date is subject to change.
  • All information and packages available here.

October Mid-Term Study

  • Tuesday 1st November- Saturday 5th November 2022.
  • All information available here.

College Closure in October/November

Our colleges will be closed on the following days:

  • Sunday 30th Oct. 2022
  • Monday 31st Oct. 2022
  • Sunday 6th Nov. 2022

Christmas Study & Revision Courses

  • Mon. 28th Dec. to Tuesday 5th January 2021 (Dates are subject to change)
  • Students are on holidays from Tuesday 22nd December to Wednesday 6th Jan 2021.
  • Grinds & Supervised Study will operate on Sat.19th December 2020. However, please confirm with class teacher.
  • Christmas Study information available here.
  • Christmas Revision Course information available here.

Christmas College Closure

Our colleges will be closed on the following days:

  • Friday 23rd December 2022
  • Saturday 24rd December 2022
  • Sunday 25th December 2022
  • Monday 26th December 2022
  • Tuesday27th December 2022

February Mid-Term Study

  • Monday 13th – Friday 17th February 2023.
  • All information available here.

St. Patrick’s Day

  • Closed on Friday 17th March 2023.
  • All information available here.

Leaving Cert Oral Dates 2023

  • Dates to be confirmed.

Easter Supervised Study 2023

  • Week 1: Monday3rd to Friday 7th April 2023
  • Week 2: Tuesday 11th to Saturday 15th April 2023
  • Additional dates are available outside of these dates
  • All information available here.

Easter Revision Courses 2023

  • Saturday 1st –  (dates subject to change)
  • All information available here.

Pre Exam Courses 2023

  • These courses will run in May/June 2023
  • All information available will be available here.

May Bank Holiday 2023

  • Study runs as normal on Saturday 29th April and study will run Sunday Hours on Sunday30th of April and Bank Holiday Monday 1st May 2023.

June Bank Holiday 2023

  • Study runs as normal on Saturday 3rd June and study will run Sunday Hours on Sunday 4th and Bank Holiday Monday 5th June 2023.